November 2023
Edition 25 – November Edition
By properly leveraging first-party data — information collected directly from consumers via your website and other owned assets — your outdoor brand can realize a long list of big, business-boosting benefits. Check out our blog article to learn what we consider to be the top eight.
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June 2023
Edition 24 – June Edition
When writing for your outdoor brand’s website, tending to the basics like your grammar, punctuation and spelling is always important. But for your content to truly shine with the search engines and draw as much traffic as possible, a familiar three-letter acronym is also critical: SEO. Check out our latest blog article to get the 411 on writing with search engine optimization in mind.
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May 2023
Edition 23 – May Edition
For any outdoor brand, one of the biggest keys to maximizing revenue and profitability is ensuring that the consumer’s path to purchase is as refined and polished as possible. Check out our “Creating the Perfect Path to Purchase” blog article for five powerful focus areas that can help your brand hone its path to purchase and set itself apart from the competition.
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February 2023
Edition 22 – February Edition
Where did the year go?
As we all kick off our new business goals and initiatives for 2023, it is always important to take a minute and reflect on the success of the previous year. How do we use that success as a foundation for the year in front of us? I think that many brands try to reinvent the wheel every year and forget what got them to this point…
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